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Photo of Carlos Alberto Borrego Quevedo Cuba

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Borrego Carlos Alberto Quevedo. Guanajay, Havana, 1965. Graduate in Electronics Engineering Polytechnic Institute JosAntonio Echeverria (ISPJAE), Ciudad de La Habana, 1988. He currently works as a specialist in computer science in Curacao Cement Company, SA is part of the Section Fotonaturaleza of the Cuban Society of Zoology, the Cuban Fund of the photographic image and Photography Latin American Fund. Courses received: 1....

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Borrego Carlos Alberto Quevedo. Guanajay, Havana, 1965. Graduate in Electronics Engineering Polytechnic Institute JosAntonio Echeverria (ISPJAE), Ciudad de La Habana, 1988. He currently works as a specialist in computer science in Curacao Cement Company, SA is part of the Section Fotonaturaleza of the Cuban Society of Zoology, the Cuban Fund of the photographic image and Photography Latin American Fund. Courses received: 1. 1982. S basic course in Photography. Art Gallery of Guanajay. 2. 10/2006 to 03/2007. Course photographic techniques, Prof. Flix Arencibia. Section of Fotonaturaleza, SCZ 3. 10/2006 to 03/2007. S basic course for Fotonaturalistas Cuban Nature. Section of Fotonaturaleza, SCZ 4. 03/2007 to 09/2007. Digital Photography 's basic course, Prof. Carlos Bastn. Section of Fotonaturaleza, SCZ 5. May 2008. Comprehensive Course in Photography. Photography Latin American Fund. Prof. Rufino del Valle others. 6. October 2009 Digital Photography Course. Prof. Toms Inda. Model of Havana. Exhibitions he has participated: 1. Fotonatura 2007, January 2007, Casa Alejandro de Humboldt. 2. Sierra del Rosario, April 2007, National Museum of Natural History. 3. Collateral exhibition at the National Festival of the Image of Nature, May 2007 Ruben Martinez Villena Library, Habana Vieja. 4. Exhibition of photographs on occasion of the fourth contest in the National Festival of Nature Picture Rosa Elena Simen In Memoriam, Nat Museum of Natural History, May 2007. 5. Metropolitan Exposition Park Conference Room Metropolitan Park of Havana, August 2007. 6. Two-person exhibition Hidden from view, living Nature Art Gallery Orlando Nodarse Guanajay, Havana, in September 2007. 7. Contemplating the vastness Personal Exhibition Hall Exhibition of Popular Library of Mariel, Havana, December 2007. 8. Exhibition Documentary Collective TITN A pedestal for the Carlos Museum Bali Guanajay, Havana, December 2007. 9. Unmon two-person exhibition by Nature Art Gallery Angerona of Artemisa, Havana, January 2008. 10. Collective exhibition of light and color of the Rosary. Biosphere Reserve. Pinar del Ro, March 2008. 11. Rolando two-person exhibition Documentary and Galera Mexican Art, Orlando Nodarse, Guanajay, Havana, March 2008. 12. Two-Person Exhibition Industry and Environment Joint Venture Curacao Cementos, SA Mariel, Havana, May 2008. 13. Collective Exhibition Views of Nature. Julio Larramendi Galera, Havana, June 2008. 14. Collective exhibition in occasion of the V Festival National Nature Image In Memoriam Rosa Elena Simen National Museum of Natural History, May 2009. 15. Collective Exhibition Road of Hope. Palace of Pioneers of Marianao, November 2009. 16. Collective Exhibition Focusing on the Millennium Development Goals. Galera The Kingdom of This World, National Library Josmart. Havana, November 2009. 17. Technical Workshops VII collective exhibition of vernacular architecture 2010. Galley Restaurant at the Hotel El Santo Angel, in February 2010. Events: 1. IV Festival Nacional Nature Image In Memoriam Rosa Elena Simen National Museum of Natural History, May 2007. 2. First and Third National Photography Contest Digital Espeleolgica Espeleolgica Company of Cuba (August 2006 and 2007) Participant and ComitOrganizador. 3. Photography VIII Biennial of Havana. San Antonio de los Baños, Havana, May 2008. 4. Havana Salon XXIII, San Antonio de los Baños, Havana, June 2008 5. V Festival National Nature Picture Rosa Elena Simen In Memoriam National Museum of Natural History, May 2009. Competitions: 1. Selected Work. Contest Focusing on the Millennium Development Goals. United Nations Office and Photo Gallery of Cuba. November 2009. 2. Mention. Gonzalo de Cardenas Competition of Photography 2009. Ctedra Gonzalo de Cardenas of vernacular architecture of the Office of the Historian of Havana City and Sacred Diego Foundation in Spain. 3. Grand Prix. Gonzalo de Cardenas Competition of Photography 2009. Ctedra Gonzalo de Cardenas of vernacular architecture of the Office of the Historian of Havana City and the Foundation for Sacred Diego Spain.

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